Pour les roubaisiens, les lillois et tous leurs voisins: ce week-end a lieu le marché des modes à Roubaix, vendredi 25, de 16h à 21h, samedi 26 et dimanche 27 de 11h à 19h. Il aura lieu à l' ENSAIT, avenue Jean Lebas, face au
musée de la piscine.
If you stay in the North of France next week-end, you can come and visit me in Roubaix, at the 10th Marché des Modes (Fashion market). It is located in the ENSAIT, avenue Jean Lebas, in front of the famous "swimming pool museum" -that you can visit here from your computer!The entrance at the Marché des Modes is free, open from friday 24th, 16. to 21. PM, satuday 25th and sunday 26th , 11. to 19.PM. See you soon!
9 commentaires:
Dear Delphine,
I sent you an email 4 day's ago and it was returned back to me today.
I would like to ask your permission to feature La Fille du Consul on "Rochambeau" sometime soon. Would that be alright?
I appreciate that your blog has the automatic translator. Could you please tell me how you did that?I would like to add it to my site, so that when you come to visit it will be easy.
Have fun creating today.
I found your space via Lotusgreen and glad that I did.
In case you did not get my email,
I wanted to say thank you for getting back to me!
Have a great day.
Maizs tu es partout toi !
j'ai déjà fait la pub, bises
Wish you lots of fun and success!
Here it's going to be a long weekend (Pentecoast Holiday), I hope you are going to have time to enjoy it too.
> Thank you Constance for the post on your blog, it is so kind of you!
> Princess Hiaku : I have to say a big thank you to Lotusgreen and her new blog La Dépèche !
> Delphine: Mais tu es la reine de la pub! merci!
> Merisi: I came back yesterday night, and the faire was nice and quite good. I think I won't work a lot today!
Vos créations sont superbes !
Merci pour votre participation !
Retrouvez toutes les infos sur le Marché des Modes : http://www.myspace.com/marchedesmodes
celui là je l'adore, mais surement pas mon banquier !!!!
enfin quand je vois le boulot c'est normal ... je crois que je vais prendre plus petit
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